About Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of the ups and downs of life. But sometimes it can get in the way of us enjoying all the good things.

Find answers to commonly asked questions and information about anxiety treatment below.

Treatment for Anxiety

Recommended treatment techniques may vary depending on the type and severity of the anxiety, as well as on individual and family factors. There are two primary treatment strategies for anxious youth: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication. Mindfulness meditation is another tool often used to help individuals manage anxiety and stress.

Teaching parents and other family members strategies for helping kids and teens deal with anxious feelings is an important part of treatment. It helps to create a home environment that is supportive and engaged in the youth’s progress.

Find an anxiety specialist near you

Child Traumatic Stress

Visit https://www.nctsn.org/ for more information.

Sometimes a traumatic experience can affect the entire family. Learn more about family trauma at https://nfrc.ucla.edu/about-family-trauma.