Anxiety Tools

Check out these resources from our CARES experts!


Butterfly Breath
Soothing with Our Senses
Grounding and Orienting Skills
Feeling Thermometer
Getting to Green
Box Breathing
PIES Check-In
Labeled Praise
Family Calendar
Family Flags

Tip Sheets

Warning Signs of Anxiety in Elementary School Children
Warning Signs of Anxiety in Teens and Tweens
Growing up Healthy and Happy
My Child’s Time
Understanding Your Child’s School Reticence, Avoidance or Refusal
Understanding Your Child’s Selective Mutism
How can I help my child handle anxiety?
Healthy Sleep Habits
Tips for Mattel Playroom
Test Anxiety Tips
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Tips
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Tips
Selective Mutism Tips
Separation Anxiety Tips
Social Anxiety Tips

En español

Respiración estilo mariposa
Reconfrontar con los sentidos
Banderas de la familia
Calendario Familiar
Caja de Respiración
PIES Check-In
Señales de alerta de ansiedad en niños en edad escolar
Señales de ansiedad en adolescentes y preadolescentes
Crecer sano y feliz
El tiempo con mi hijo/a
Cómo entender la reticencia, evasión o rehusó de los niños para ir a la escuela
Cómo comprender el mutismo selective de su hijo/a


Recognizing and Treating Problematic Fear and Anxiety in Children
How to use the Feeling Thermometer in the Classroom
How to use Grounding Techniques in the Classroom
COVID-19: Mental Health and Isolation
Managing Your Mindset During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Selective Mutism: Tips for Parents
Supporting Students Who Are Worried and Anxious: Practical Tools for the Classroom

When Back to School Anxiety Lingers
Defining Childhood OCD
When is it OCD?
How Parents Can Help with Child Anxiety
Should Parents Talk About Their Child’s Anxiety with the Teacher
How to raise kids who can overcome anxiety
When and How to Treat Childhood OCD
Intensive CBT for Pediatric OCD with Dr. Martin Franklin

Featuring CARES Experts

Health Tips for Parents – Social Media Use
Healthy Social Media Use Infographic

COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19: Mental Health and Isolation
Managing Your Mindset During the Coronavirus Pandemic